Hollande meets Macron, Parliament dissolved

10 June, 2024

French President Emmanuel Macron, left, meets former French President Francois Hollande, right, during a memorial ceremony in Tulle, central France, Monday, June 10, 2024, where 99 civilians were hanged by a Nazi commando on June 9 1944. President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the lower house of France’s parliament in a surprise announcement sending voters back to the polls in the coming weeks to choose lawmakers, after his party was handed a humbling defeat by the far-right in the European election.

After exchanging a few words with his predecessor , Emmanuel Macron came forward to give Julie Gayet a warm kiss.

[April 16 2022 Hollande, Sarkozy endorse Macron ]

Francois Hollande’s endorsement means both France’s surviving former presidents have now rallied behind the incumbent.

[april 13 2022]

French President Emmanuel Macron denied striking any wider political agreement with conservative former president Nicolas Sarkozy in exchange for his endorsement ahead of a close second round of voting in presidential elections on April 24.

[July 28 2021 Dati: inquiry into Sarkozy’s ally ]



Rachida Dati, a former cabinet minister and close ally of ex-president Nicolas Sarkozy, is queried over her dealings with disgraced former Renault chief Carlos Ghosn. .According to a source close to the investigation, Dati received 900,000 euros ($1.06 million) in lawyer’s fees during that period.

The investigation is seeking to ascertain if this was purely for legal work or whether she was actually engaged in lobbying, which would be illegal for European lawmakers. The Carlos Ghosn affair is a financial case relating to suspicions of financial embezzlement supposedly involving Carlos Ghosn , then CEO of Renault , Nissan and the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance .

[Jube 19 2019 Sarkozy: a trial was justified ]


Court of Cassation – which rules on questions of law – ruled that a trial was justified for Sarkozy as well as his lawyer Thierry Herzog and a former judge, Gilbert Azibert. Sarkozy now faces trial on charges of corruption and influence peddling.

[May 17 2019  is facing criminal charges of illicit financing   ]

Former president Nicolas Sarkozy is facing charges of illicit financing for his failed 2012 re-election bid. On May 17 2019, the Constitutional Council ruled that a criminal trial was justified on the grounds that it concerned “the potential breach of probity by candidates or elected officials.” Prosecutors claim Sarkozy spent nearly 43 million euros ($51 million) on his lavish re-election bid — almost double the legal limit of 22.5 million euros — using fake invoices, and demanded he answer the charges in court.

[October 5 2018   trial decision: an appeal hearing has been postponed to the 25th of October   ]


The Paris court of appeal has postponed to the 25th of October its decision on the appeal of the former president of the Republic Nicolas Sarkozy against his removal before the correctional court in the case of slip-ups in financial his presidential campaign of 2012, the so-called “Bygmalion”.

“The case has been litigated on may 16, but apparently the court needs additional time to decide”, noted the lawyer of the former head of State, Thierry Herzog,

[March 29 2018   trial decision: an appeal hearing June 25   ]

Nicolas Sarkozy must go to trial along with one of his lawyers and a former magistrate on charges of active corruption and influence peddling. “He will … calmly wait for the result of the motion for a declaration of invalidity. He does not doubt that once again the truth will triumph,” the statement said. The court scheduled an appeal hearing for June 25.

[March 22 placed under investigation 1 year after Fillon [hmm] ]


Sarkozy, 63-years-old, who held power from 2007 to 2012, was told by investigators after two days of questioning in police custody on Wednesday, March 21, he was formally suspected of passive corruption, an offense that carries a sentence of up to 10 years in jail. In France, being “placed under investigation” is a step that judicial investigators can take if they have serious grounds for suspecting an offense. It often but not always leads to trial.


French presidential candidate François Fillon has been placed under formal investigation into allegations he had his wife and children paid hundreds of thousands of euros for parliamentary jobs they may never have performed.

[ March 21 “Garde à vue” – custody ]

Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy has been taken into police custody for questioning over allegations that he received campaign funding from the late Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi.   Mr Sarkozy clinched big trade deals for France with Libya’s Gaddafi in 2007 when he was president,  but he then put France at the forefront of NATO-led airstrikes against Gaddhafi’s troops that helped rebel fighters topple his regime in 2011..   “Garde à vue” – custody – means he can be held and questioned by police for up to 48 hours. Then he may appear before a judge and may face charges.

Mary-Kate Olsen, 31, and banker husband Olivier Sarkozy, 48, 6′ 2″. Mary-Kate splits time between her and Sarkozy’s $6.25 million Manhattan townhouse and their Paris residence.

[January 14 2012 Merkozy: Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy ]

Having initially been dubbed “Merkozy” by the French press, the moniker has been gaining traction since the autumn. It has become even more prevalent as the pair thrash out proposals to toughen up fiscal discipline ahead of a make-or-break eurozone summit .

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